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I have already chosen what You will.

W-329.1. Father, I thought I wandered from Your Will, defied it, broke its laws, and interposed a second will more powerful than Yours. 2 Yet what I am in truth is but Your Will, extended and extending. 3 This am I, and this will never change. 4 As You are One, so am I one with You. 5 And this I chose in my creation, where my will became forever one with Yours. 6 That choice was made for all eternity. 7 It cannot change, and be in opposition to itself. 8 Father, my will is Yours. 9 And I am safe, untroubled and serene, in endless joy, because it is Your Will that it be so.

W-329.2. Today we will accept our union with each other and our Source. 2 We have no will apart from His, and all of us are one because His Will is shared by all of us. 3 Through it we recognize that we are one. 4 Through it we find our way at last to God.

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